Featuring sixteen acoustic covers audaciously recorded in single takes for the notorious Hagakure 419 between May and December 2006, The Mishukis' debut LP Everyone's Too Stupid - described by Teigan from Trysting Fields as "arguably the only long-playing music album ever produced by an alternate identity of mine" - is available now.
If you would like to purchase the flawlessly prepackaged print-on-demand edition for US$5.50 plus postage, you can do so from here.
If you'd prefer the more creative and less costly option of constructing your own copy - and have access to a CD burner and a printer - you can follow these easy steps:
1. Download the tracks in mp3 format here. (If for some bizarre reason you want the uncompressed aiff files, try writing to Mishuki, who will probably call you a tightwad and tell you to buy the damn thing - but is generally open to negotiation.)
2. Download the sleeve artwork here.
3. Buy a blank, jewelcased CD from your favourite blank CD retailer.
4. Print the artwork onto appropriate media, and fit out the jewelcase and blank CD with the results.
5. Burn the tracks onto the CD.
6. Take a photo of your work and mail it to Hagakure Enterprises, who will grade it on a scale of one to ten. If your photo scores a ten, you will be awarded a special prize.
Fan mail, hate mail, and song requests for the next Mishukis album "The Thing You're So Afraid Of That You Cannot Even See It (Even Though It's Right In Front Of Your Face)" are now being accepted.